Monday 5 December 2011

Greek: Influences

Greek: Greek architecture and the influence to the present

Large amount of architecture today considered 'stylish' is based on Greek Architecture.

A lot of Business, Educational and government authorities architecture uses coloumns and elements from Greek architecture. This is probably intended to show that the museum is a place of intellect and learning or something which relates to education, which is first perfected in the Golden Age of Greek. Also The Athenians started democracy and so the buildings uses Greek elements to reflected that as it makes them look more reliable and trustworthy.

Some of the example of educational places uses elements from Greek

The British Museum uses Doric columns similar to those used to adorn the Parthenon.

British(Top) musuem compares to Greece Doric temple at Athens (Below)

Also Many of the buildings in Washington DC look like Greek buildings with columns and arches for example the White House.

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