Monday 5 December 2011

Chinese : Chinese Pavilion at Expo 2010


The Structure of the Chinese Pavilion at Shianghai Expo 2010 shows a very large resemblance of a Chinese crown hence the given name 'The Oriental Crown' but actually it was inspired by by the Chinese roof bracket known as the dougong as well as the Chinese ding vessel.

It was still inspired by Dougong which is 200 years ago even though the exterior design is pretty comtemporary Chinese design rather than an Ancient Chinese design.

Dougong symbolised the unique charm of Chinese architecture and the unity and strength.

It was painted red like the forbidden city and red was a lucky number for the Chinese even used as the colour of the bride and groom's grown on their wedding days and was also the colour of the chinese envelop given on Chinese new year.

It was constructed with a large numbers of modular joint which is a popular joint construction uses by the Chinese with Chinese temples.

They also focused a lot on sustainable design where the exterior offers thermal insulation and natural ventilations. Moreover, the larger top makes it beneficial for self shading and they also have a garden on the rooftop

Byzantine : Why is the Pantheon escaped destruction and still remains until today.

Byzantine : Why is the Pantheon escaped destruction and still remains until today.

Pantheon was a Roman temple of gods which hold the record for the largest non-reinforced dome in the history of architecture.

The pantheon were created for Pagan gods, Twelve Olympians which were actually Greek which are Zeus, Hara, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Dionysus, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Hermes.

However, moving in to the Byzantine period,when Paganism was replaced by Christianity and most of Roman architectures were destroyed but the Pantheon survived. It was being used as a church by Christian Society.

It survived because the Christian had apply their own belief to the architecture to make them Christian and they need a space for gathering and worshiping their god so they uses the Pantheon.

Christians took out the statue of gods from the spaces in the 8 space in the walls and replace with their own belief in number 8 which is how god creates the world for seven days and would rest on the eighth day, 'Sunday'. It was also called 'Lord's day' because of the believe in Jesus Christ resurrection and they would worship god on this day.

Islamic: Islamic Mosque near Ground Zero

Islamic: Islamic Mosque near Ground Zero

An Islamic cultural center near the site of the terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center held its first exhibit Wednesday evening, the enthusiasm at the opening belying its troubled beginnings.

Islamic Center 'Ground Zero Mosque' is a high rise building. It was probably built because in these days high rise buildings are a very strong symbol and they are can be a landmark or trademark of a place.

It was clearly seen that the event on September 11th, or 9/11. The plane crashed into 3 places in the U.S., The world trade center, the Pentagon and (aimed at) the White House but crashed into the field. However most people in the world remember the World trade center tragedy than any other places. It was estimated that after the tragic event, less high rise building will be built and especially enterprenoirs and businesses going in a race to built the highest building will decrease significantly. But the estimations were wrong, after the event of 9/11, more and more high rise buildings were built and more and more competitors are competing to built the highest buildings. This is because it is significant that High rise building are noticable, significant, influential and powerful. In the same way the Obilisk of Egypt is effecting people. It creates significant power and trust.

Gothic : Light and difference between Gothic and Romanesque

 Gothic : Light and difference between Gothic and Romanesque

Gothic : Light and difference between Gothic and Romanesque

ROMANESQUE church style has Roman style influence, that is, the Basilica plan, Like a cross. That is how many of the Roman churches were planned and since, still designed that way. The Romans were the first to invent the Romanesque Arch. It was designed to hold the weight of bricks, stones, cement, etc. in bridges and ceilings alike. An it usually has the simple plan of the Roman style.

GOTHIC church style intentionally evokes emotion to the viewerr. During the late medieval times in Europe, church authorities wanted to intensify the church-going experience so they tried to scare the citizens so they can draw them to the church. God wasn't thought of as a merciful God but this is successful.


Gothic raises the height of the traditional church, pointing the Roman arches, ribbing the vaults so that it allows for the extra massive weight, and extending the noticable flying buttresses which is the external side support for the wall). Gothic churches are most noticably recognized by their pointed spires reaching up to the heavens (the closer, the better).

Flying Buttress were introduced in Gothic architecture which allowed the walls to distribute it's weight onto outside pillars.. which meant the windows could be larger. New style such as Rose windows were introduced. This allows a lot more light into the architecture and also difference type of light, shape and colours.

Rose Windows

Romanesque : Rome inspiration to Romanesque Architecture

Romanesque : Rome inspiration to Romanesque Architecture

Romanesque architecture
continue building tradition over thousands of years. They uses round Roman arch which is a well-known Roman technique for building large structures such as aquaducts.

The round Norman arch is derived directly from much earlier Roman arches, itis a very strong feature which allows doors and windows to be built with large, heavy masonry above if this type of arch were to be properly constructed.

It is a mixed between classical elements which is simpler geometry, heavy walls and emphasis on columns with capitals and medieval modernist elements which makes it elegance and favourable by rich people and royal families.

The reasons that it lived for year afterwards it because it is very elegant and beautiful. Therefore it is seen as a higher up architecture and many wealthy and powerful people were inspired by it. Romanesque architecture can be used as a symbol of status, wealth, power, fame, taste, and class and so therefore it lived for years.

Indian: Historic India

In my opinion, the most significant historic site of India both in Architecture, Religion influence and artistic influence would have to be the Ajanta and Ellora Caves

Ajanta and Ellora Caves. is one of the finest examples of rock cut architecture. In them there are numerous Hindu, Buddhists and Jain temples and artifacts and it is an influence of the development of Indian culture.

The first Buddhist cave monuments at Ajanta date from 1st centuries B.C. and many more nicely decorated cave were added during the Gupta period (5th and 6th centuries A.D.), It has a lot of artist influence as well as the paintings and sculptures of Ajanta had been considered masterpieces of Buddhist religious art,

In Ellora, there are 24 monasteries and temples, extending more than 2km and it is a place that brings the civilization of ancient India to life. Not only is the Ellora complex a unique artistic creation and a technological exploit but, with its sanctuaries devoted to Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism, it illustrates the spirit of tolerance that was characteristic of ancient India.